Beyond the


Teams Right NOW


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Odyssey of the Mind team working on long-term problem solution

What are teams doing two weeks out from the tournament

Do you feel like you are scrambling? That is NORMAL. Here are some tips on what your team can be doing right now.

  • PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE – run-throughs bring the pieces together
  • Figuring out staging and the flow of everything
  • Building teamwork through Spontaneous practice problems. Have FUN with it!
  • Checking back to see how Style ideas are working with them
  • Writing up that paperwork
  • Timing run-throughs and figuring out how to get the performance under 8 minutes
  • What’s that team cheer when the judges ask are you ready?

This is a time when teams are in the mode of “we have to get this done.” Team members are splitting up those must-complete jobs and getting them wrapped up. The coach(es) are looking at the teams thinking “I don’t think this is going to come together,” This is all completely normal. The teams make it work and the teamwork brings it all together. Remember several minds working together bring one-of-a-kind solutions.

Coaches take a big deep breath, smile, and remember the team has got this!


Bring the team together.

This is the time that the team is feeling the pressure of the competition being just around the corner. Now is the time the team needs to come together in a way that is not working on the solution. Take a break and do something different. This will bring new life back into the team and allow them to do good work when they are creating.

Bringing the team together may simply be having lunch on a Saturday in the driveway. The team will be talking about all kinds of things related and unrelated to OM. OR do something funny like a game or a trash fashion show. These bring a new level of energy and comradery.

Bring the team together by giving them each a funny pin, silly team socks, goofy hats or bright shoe laces. Create a team mascot with a story connected to the team, and have the team take pictures of its journey with the team. You have to know that mascot is going to tournament too, if it’s not a living thing.

Bring the team together by taking some kind of break to have some FUN!

Don’t forget, this is the time for FUN teamwork! Things are busy and the team will need to rely on the bond they have. “If a team is having fun the judges will have fun with them.” Fun shows in the solution. The team is in high creation mode. Make the most of it.