Beyond the


Story Cubes & Spontaneous


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Story cubes and spontaneous

Story Cubes & Spontaneous

By: Kayce Caugh – Spontaneous International Problem Captain

As you prepare for your long-term solutions, don’t forget to get a little spontaneous in at every practice. Story Cubes are a quick and easy way to get your creative juices flowing and the possibilities are endless!

Step 1: Find a set of Story Cubes in the game aisle of your favorite store.

Step 2: Pick your game/problem below or make up your version.

TEAM STORY – Your problem is to tell a story about a family vacation. The first team member will roll 1 die and give a response; The next team member will roll the same die and add his/her/they response to the story and so on…Build the story together!!!  (For new variations change the theme of the story OR give each team member their own die in order to add a different twist)

INDIVIDUAL RESPONSES – Your problem is to roll 3 dice and give a response that includes all of the items shown. (For new variations change the number of dice thrown OR select one dice and place it in a set position so that item must be included in all responses)

Remember: The more you practice, the better you get!!!

Happy Story Time…Good Luck…HAVE FUN!!!