FAQ for World

What is the payment deadline?

April 23rd is the deadline for payment to Worlds and completed registration

What are the Rules for World Finals pin trading?

Respect others. Not everyone at World Finals trades pins, and there are always teams preparing to compete that should not be distracted.

Trade pins in designated pin-trading areas. Do NOT trade pins in any area marked “No Pin Trading.”

Pin-trading is not allowed at the team entrance or spectator entrance to any performance site. It is not allowed in any stairwells, doorways, or entrances to buildings. It is also not allowed in any area where teams compete or where others gather to watch teams compete.

If you are in a designated pin-trading area in a hallway, be sure to allow enough room for people to pass by.

If an Odyssey of the Mind or University Official asks you to stop trading pins or to move from an
area, you must honor that person’s request.

Never taunt others by criticizing a trade, any pin someone is trading, or anyone’s collection.

If you trade in a location where pin trading is not allowed or tease others about their pins and trades, your pin collection may be confiscated. If your collection is confiscated, you will be able to pick it up the following morning at the Odyssey of the Mind Information booth. Only Odyssey of the Mind officials, your parents, or your coach may confiscate your pin collection.

Do not trade with officials while they are working.

Do not pressure anyone into a trade.

Please show your Odyssey of the Mind Spirit when trading pins. Do not take advantage of youngsters or first-time traders. If only fair trades are made, the Odyssey of the Mind World Finals experience will be all the better for everyone.

Can parents, siblings and others stay in housing with the team members and coaches?

Yes! Parents are encouraged to stay with teams in the dorms. While filling out your Team Housing Registration simply add anyone wishing to stay in the dorms in the allotted space. The price is the same.

What is the cost to stay on campus?

Monday arrival package will be $785 per person.
Tuesday arrival package will be $730 per person. This includes room, meals, shuttles around campus, access to all events and the registration fee. If choosing to stay off campus, the Team fee is $3,750 if registering within two weeks of your tournament. This fee includes everything mentioned above other than room and meals. If registering after two weeks from your competition the registration fee is $4,250.

Do we have to pay a registration fee? And how much does it cost?

If your team selects housing packages equal to the number of team members attending World Finals plus one coach (no matter who uses the packages, i.e. siblings, parents, other supporters), the fee is already included in the cost. If staying off-campus, the fee is $3,750 if the team’s registration is submitted within two weeks of your association’s competition date and $4,250 if it is submitted after that date.

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