Spont Day Fee Payment

To participate in Spontania Mania each team will submit the fee of $30 to reserve their spot.

Complete entire form from top to bottom, scroll down to complete. Click Submit to complete.

Spont Day Payment
Numbers only.
To better communicate with our NorCal Membership, we will be using a mass mailing system called MailChimp, similar to Constant Contact. Your email address will be added to our mailing list and we will limit the number of emails we send.

Please acknowledge that your email address will be used to communicate with you using this system.

  • Team Tip: Roles and Jobs
    If your team can handle it, here is a way they can each become experts on specific, important parts of solving the Long-Term problem. All team members should become experts on the LT problem.
  • Team Tip: Time Management
    Teaching your team members how to organize themselves, how to make and keep calendars, the importance of checklists, and how to divide labor is NOT considered Outside Assistance.
  • Team Tip: Brainstorming
    Once the team has chosen the long-term (LT) problem, it’s time to start brainstorming different parts of the problem. This should be exciting for everyone!